Our real heroes (51) Jaidev Kapoor

Jaidev Kapoor was born on Diwali, 1908 at Hardoi (UP). At the teen ages, he was interested to join Hindustan Socialist Republican Association and later he joined and met Chandra Sekhar Azad and became a good comrade of Bhagat Singh. In April 9, 1929. a plan was formed by revolutionaries as throwing bomb on Assembly house at Delhi. Kapoor along with Shiv Verma arranged bombs for their group and arranged entry passes to Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar Dutta to entry in assembly and also accompanied them to assembly to recover passes. He was sentenced to transportation for life time imprisonment in Celluler jail. He died on 19 September, 1994. I salute this fighter.

About shibham

I am a college professor from Assam(India) and wish to create a series of our unknown or seldom remembered heroes of Indian freedom Movement. I am helped by books and some websites, so i am thankful to all sources. If someone has complain, then please inform me, so that i can find out my faults. If any data is wrongly added, then please contact me and if someone has enough to add, then please proceed. Jai Hind

Posted on September 7, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. He wa$ $on of indian $oil.i $alute him and othe like $hiv ji,azad ji,bhagat $ingh,$ukhdev,bi$mil,a$hfaqullah khan,laxmi bai,tatia toPe,kamalnath ji,mahabi $ingh,udham $ingh,bejoy $inha,b.k.dutt,lala ji,jatin da$,bhagwati bhai,$ujya $en,badal guPta… The li$t i$ long… I $ALUTE ALL OF THEM JAI HIND

  2. just wish i could have there to add a little help to the revolutnaries…

  3. Anil kishore kapoor

    i feel proud for being nephew of sri jaidev kapoor. I remember my early childhood probably 1946 i was playing my house named pilikothi Hardoi a procession was coming towards bada chowraha three tall and handsome men leading the procession garlanded with several phoolmalas were advancing towards my house hundreds of people were shouting slogans “bharat mata ki jai” a person from the procession came to me and asked “do u know Ur uncle?”i was austonised to hear this question.meanwhile my father came to me and asked me to touch feet of all the three”jaideo kapoor,shiv verma and an otherone,.they all hugged meand came to my house.since then till 1994 i remained in close touch with him.he became my gaurdian during my higher studies.he sharedso many experiences of his 18 years freedomfighter’s life.several of them r published in”SAMAY”aweekly news paper published by THKUR RAMESHWER SINGH” in late sixtees and early seventees. I pay our tributes wholeheartedly.

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